Amazon SNS vs Google Cloud Pub Sub Which messaging service is better

June 30, 2022

Amazon SNS vs Google Cloud Pub/Sub

When it comes to messaging services in the world of cloud computing, two major players come to mind: Amazon’s Simple Notification Service (SNS) and Google’s Cloud Pub/Sub. Both messaging services are vital in different capacities, and choosing the best one for your business might be quite a task.

This article compares the two messaging services based on certain elements like ease of use, pricing, scalability, and reliability, to help you decide which messaging service is better for your business.

Ease of Use

Amazon SNS is straightforward to use, and it takes only a few minutes to get started. Its console is intuitive, user-friendly, and it has excellent documentation that makes it easy to set up and follow. On the other hand, the Google Cloud Pub/Sub can be very complicated for users who are not familiar with Google Cloud ecosystem. But if you have Google Cloud experience, setting up and using Pub/Sub is a breeze.


When it comes to pricing, both Amazon SNS, and Google Cloud Pub/Sub come with almost the same price structure. Both platforms follow the pay-as-you-go model, and you are charged only for what you use. However, it’s essential to note that Google Cloud Pub/Sub is slightly cheaper than Amazon SNS, which might make it more cost-effective for businesses that have many messages to send.


Scalability is crucial when it comes to messaging services, and both Amazon SNS and Google Cloud Pub/Sub allow for scalability. Amazon SNS allows for up to 10 million subscriptions per topic, while Google Cloud Pub/Sub allows for up to 10,000 subscriptions per topic. Both platforms also offer automatic scaling, which makes it easier for businesses with fluctuating message volumes.


Both Amazon SNS and Google Cloud Pub/Sub are reliable messaging services, and they guarantee timely delivery and message integrity. Amazon SNS has a 99.9% availability, while Google Cloud Pub/Sub offers at least once delivery guarantee.

The Verdict

Choosing the best messaging service depends on your specific needs. If you are already in the Amazon ecosystem, Amazon SNS is a great option, as it is straightforward to use and has strong documentation. On the other hand, if you are looking for a more cost-effective messaging service and have experience with Google Cloud, Google Cloud Pub/Sub is a great option.


  1. Amazon SNS Documentation
  2. Google Cloud Pub/Sub documentation

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